If you are looking for neo-Nazi places, look for Jamel, Wismar and Grevesmühlen in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania (Former GDR). A newspaper reports that 95 percent of the villagers belongs to the neo-Nazi scene.
You can also prove that highly criminal participants are active in crucial positions in these places.
Everything that can be illegal, manipulative and criminal can be proven to those responsible. Those primarily responsible remain idle and watch.
To give a concrete example:
Imagine, you as one parent, as a mum or dad, you don't know where your children are for two months and you search in vain for your lovely children.
Yes, that happens in Germany.
Where are your kids?
They are hidden in Wismar (Former GDR).
In the previous posts, some of the evidence of the highly criminal actions and escapades of those involved were disclosed in advance.
A lawyer, T.W. from Gladbeck, reports on what happened in the courts in Germany:
"Lately I have received remarkably frequent requests to offer the decisive judicial personnel, mostly judges, a considerable sum of cash in order to induce them to make a specific decision that is positive for the client".
In plain launguage: He is supposed to bribe judges.
It's just better do not to talk about it. You would have to pay discreetly and certainly do not name names.
In this context it would be interesting to find out what happened to the money that was taken and "disappeared" in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Former GDR)?
Proof (see below): MV44
You confront the former responsible minister (Ms. Katy Hoffmeister) with these facts mentioned above too.
Proof: MV67
There is silent first. Only after further measures a person, called Silke Bentrup-Figura from the Ministry of Justice, reports. Ms. Silke Bentrup-Figura makes lame excuses and "denies" answers and information.
Why actually?
Because otherwise she would have to admit the proven lies and criminal offenses as well as fraud from her own ranks and consequently vacate her post too.
What is a Ministry of Justice for?
Is the Ministry of Justice a solution to the problems in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania or a part of the problems there?
Note: The descriptions regarding the Ministry of Justice refer to the period before the elections in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in September 2021.