5. An application by a lawyer for a preliminary injunction in the urgent procedure will be submitted to the local court on November 29th, 2012. A Mr. Engel is responsible. We are waiting for the decision. Nothing happens for weeks and nothing can be heard.
Weeks later, on January 9th, 2013, in a completely different letter, it was quietly and casually pointed out and staged that there was supposedly a “decision” on this from "December 17th, 2012 ”.
This alleged "decision" is not known to anyone and is not available anywhere.
Proof (see below): MV6
There has been a perversion of justice here too.
What's happening now?
For the urgent application of November 29th, 2012, a "decesion of December 17, 2012" will produced on January 9th, 2013, whereby it should be noted that eveb this was only made after a reminder and complaint.
Proof: MV7
It should be noted that letters or requests from the other party, which are also received much later, are processed immediately and on the same day, approved and delivered within three days at the latest.
The whereabouts of the lost money are still kept silent.
6. A child has severe pneumonia. On behalf of the youth welfare office, where it later turns out that the other side is personally working there at the youth welfare office, the court is presented with a fake health certificate stating the state of health of the child suffering from pneumonia and the condition is deceived.
Proof: MV8
A Mr. Engel is responsible. He is specifically and expressly made aware of this. That doesn't bother him. He uses a verifiably forged health certificate and it is simply passed through.
After that, everything else in any possible context, including and even by the investigating authorities, was tried to circumvent and to cover up arbitarily.