As a Daddy, you have an useable assets of
78,500.00 €
(seventy-eight thousand five hundred €)
at the bank (Deutsche Bank) which you have already paid in every month and saved it for your children.
Where has this wealth gone?
Why is transparency prevented?
What would you do as a citizen to create clarification and transparency?
Ask the Deutsche Bank? You did that.
What would you do then?
Ask again? You did that too.
Ask again? Yes, you did that too.
And now?
What would you do then?
Seek legal help and involve the court?
Okay. Yes, you contact the responsible court in Frankfurt.
You as citizens are in great danger and demand transparency and clarification.
Ms. Bues
a Ms. Sommer
are responsible at the Frankfurt Regional Court.
You inform Ms. Bues & Ms. Sommer that you contacted Deutsche Bank several times before the court hearing, not least in April and August 2024, and provide Ms. Bues with evidence (HI, see below), reasons for the order and the right to an order that you are in great, great danger.
This letter was sent to Deutsche Bank, most recently on April 8th and August 30th.
Proof (see below): H1
And this is the bank's confirmation of receipt of your mail & message.
Proof: H2 & H3
And what do Ms. Bues & Ms Sommer do?
There approach is similar to the phenomenon which we know from small children: When small children play hide and seek, they close their eyes and think that no one can see them.
The ladies, Ms Bues & Ms Sommer, sit with there eyes closed in front of three pages of documents that have been verifiably submitted to the court.
You present the evidence (3 pages) to them for the third time. You also point out for the third time to Ms Bues & Ms Sommer that you are in great, great danger and distress.
And what do Ms. Bues & Ms Sommer do?
There are still playing hide and seek like toddler?
There is a Mrs. Michaela Schumacher, Fuhlsbüttler Str. 118, in 22305 Hamburg.
What does this have to do with the amount of
78,500.00 euros
at the Deutsche Bank?
Ms. Bues & Co are not only playing hide and seek but they are literally lying to your face. They write that you did not previously contact Deutsche Bank.
Yes, we are talking about Germany.
As already mentioned, as a Dad you had paid a sum
(seventy-eight thousand five hundred €)
every month from your own account for your children and saved it.
By presenting evidence, you explain to Ms. Bues & Ms Sommer again that you are in great danger and distress and that arbitrary and shameful "enforcement" etc. are being instigated against you, while the
Deutsche Bank
remains silent about the whereabouts of the money
Ms. Bues & Ms Sommer
(Frankfurt Local Court)
continue to play hide and seek, you contact the management of the court.
And then a
Mr. Simon
(Frankfurt Local Court)
from the "management of the court" gets in touch with you
In Germany, the impression is created that the superiors are not there to ensure law and order, to hold the accused accountable and to reprimand them, but rather to better cover up the case.
Mr. Simn does the same. Mr. Simon knowingly and intentionally avoids the core issue and makes dirty excuses. You as a citizen explain the matter to Mr. Simon again and demand redress.
But that is not all.
The dirty and unconstitutional proceedings are covered up and passed on to the next instance.
So, here a Ms. Münster is making a name for herself.
What is the relationship between those “independents” from the Frankfurt Local Court and the Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt?
The good Ms. Münster (“judge”) is caught in her unimaginable actions and perversion of justice.
The lady, Ms. Münster, has suddenly disappeared.
Now it is the turn of another particularly “clever” lady, named
(Frankfurt District Court).
There seem to be no limits to the fantasies of this person, Ms. Eisen (Frankfurt District Court).
At this point it should be mentioned that the lady, Ms Eisen, is also a “judge” at a court in Germany.
This person, Ms. Eisen, tried to embezzle legal remedies that were verifiably received by the Frankfurt Local Court.
Do mafia-like structures exist in Germany among the accused “judges” and the Judiciary?
To be continued.