As already mentioned, everything, including that of the other sections in this blog, is demonstrably connected.
Imagine you own a property worth over half a million euros and more.
Those accused don't follow any rules and also walk all over you.
A group of antisocial and racist people from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Former GDR) are rubbing their hands and are in a kind of gold rush mood.
You as a citizen simply watch as every idiot lines his pockets with your belongings, which is proven to be illegal and criminal
And that’s not all:
You as a citizen are literally tyrannized and even tortured.
The contacted responsible Ministry of Justice remains silent.
Yes, we are talking about Germany.
Should one consider subjecting the proceedings, including those of the investigative authority and the Ministry of Justice, to parliamentary scrutiny?
A parliamentary control has been initiated.
As citizens, you describe the situation to the committee, wait for the result of the parliamentary control and later ask about the status.
Months later, persons from the parliament of Hessen, a Ms.
Jutta Schliesmeier
Daniela Engelhardt.
contacts you.
They claim that they "did not" receive the attachments to the complaint you submitted there.
You describe your predicament to them again and send them the attachments again.
At the same time, you send a copy (cc email) of all documents and your complaint directly to the responsible Ministry of Justice (Wiesbaden).
The Hessian Ministry of Justice has the relevant administrative documents.
Jutta Schliesmeier & Ms. Daniela Engelhardt
(Frau the responsible Parliament)
are asked to request the administrative documents and at the same time to obtain a statement from the responsible ministry.
You, as a citizen, describe your absolute emergency situation to Ms. Jutta Schliesmeier and Ms. Daniela Engelhardt once again.
It is about your assets as a citizen amounting to over half a million euros and the supervision of the investigative authorities as well as the matter of the administration of justice.
This is a letter from you as a citizen to the Hessian Ministry of Justice on the matter of the administration of justice.
Proof (see below): H4
(H4: You own a property worth over half a million euros and more. Those accused don't follow any rules and also walk all over you. You as a citizen simply watch as every idiot lines his pockets with your belongings, which is proven to be illegal and criminal. You as a citizen are literally tyrannized and even tortured. The contacted responsible Ministry of Justice remains silent).
And this is what Ms.
Daniela Engelhardt,
from the Hessian State Parliament,
wrote to you:
Proof: H5
(H5: Ms. Daniela Engelhardt writes: It is about an “Unclear complaint” and you would complain about the "higher regional court of Frankfurt“).
Ms. Engelhardt is contacted again and informed about the processes and that the Ministry of Justice is also aware of everything.
The documents are sent to her again anyway and the allegedly "missing" information is also sent to her again.
Ms. Daniela Engelhardt has suddenly disappeared.
While every idiot is demonstrably illegally and criminally lining their pockets with your belongings and those main responsible persons and supervisory institutions are ignoring that, you as a citizen are being tyrannized, coerced, blackmailed and put in absolute distress (even today!).
Yes, we are talking about Germany here.
To be continued.