Dear fellow citizens, I am in great danger and demand transparency I

Everything, including the other sections in this blog, is demonstrably connected.

I. A group of antisocials, criminals and racists has gathered around your children in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Former GDR).

IIAs early as 2014, various irregularities and infringements occurred at the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (cooperation of public law) of Schleswig-Holstein in Bad Segeberg and the State Central Bank of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Former GDR).

III. As a citizen, you also can prove to those responsible from Hamburg everything that can go wrong and be illegal. 

The city of Hamburg is suing for damages.

You reveal all these scandals and heinous actions of those accused and make yourself the target.

You are demonstrably coerced, harassed insulted and bullied for years.

The heinous acts of those involved are becoming more unbearable every day.

You can prove your statements with facts and documents.

You describe the processes to those responsible with attached evidence and documents and finally you stop your activity in November 2017.

But you do not get rest. Because what happens about five months later cannot be put into words.

At the end of February 2018 you will receive the following letter:

Proof (see below): HH69

(HH69: Now, an illegal, unconstitutional & idiotic “insolvency application” will be filed by those accused.)

Sorry, what?

You just can't believe your eyes.

Because what those involved are saying now is nonsense, shameful and complete sloppiness.

You immediately contact those involved and explain it to them everything in very, very detail.

At the same time, you call on those involved to immediately stop their heinous actions and to distance themselves from such dirty deeds immediately.

As already mentioned, you have been demonstrably harassed, coerced and bullied for years. You then left your work in November 2017 and registered at the job center in December 2017.

This means that you also haven't had a company for months.

It quickly becomes clear that this is neither about law nor order, but basically about a group of incompetent and criminal involved from the authorities, who try to avoid their own heinous actions deeds and escapades.

Now, you will no longer see your letters.


You have received a “mail block”.

In other words, you are subject to further arbitrary and highly criminal actions by those involved.

Yes, we are talking about Germany and in Germany terms such as “dictatorship” and “police state” are often used for such actions and processes abroad.


May 2018

You will then receive a further lying letter from the accused person

Jörn Weitzmann

(Friedrichshof HP, Ferdinandstraße 29-33, 20095 Hamburg).

He writes to you that he has been appointed by the “court” as the responsible “insolvency administrator” and he attaches the corresponding “decision”.

You first set Jörn Weitzamnn's straight and try to get the nonsense out of him.

This person, Jörn Weitzmann, writes this to the social court in Kiel

A u g u s t 2018.

Proof: HH82

(HH82: "I am not an inslovency “administrator” and I am “merely” commissioned to prepare an “report”. He writes that he also does nothing. Why? He writes: Because I am not an insolvency administrator. He is only responsible for one report.")

The accused, Jörn Weitzmann, avoids illegal and highly criminal processes, doesn't want to do anything and sends everything back to the court.

Still questions?


That's not all. 

As a citizen, you are not only being coerced, blackmailed and harassed (even today), but are now being tortured.

And this is what Jörn Weitzmann also wrote you in

A p r i l 2018:

Proof: HH83.

(HH83: Dear ladies and gentlemen, I have been appointed as insolvency administrator. Attached is the court order.)

Yes, unbelievable, but true. That's how it works and yes, we're talking about Germany.

From this point on, Mr. Jörn Weitzmann is also responsible for your tax returns (Insolvency Act).

And what does he do?

To be continued.