Anything that can go wrong and illegal for those involved over the years, you as a citizen can prove to those involved. Those involved now have literally big problems. In order to save their own skins, all means seem to be right for those accused.
At the Hamburg local court, the accused Linker ("judge"), Bellhäuser ("judicial officer") and a "judicial clerk" Kompisch, are active.
To give specific examples:
1. Passing law and order, those accused act as if they were in a circus.
As a citizen, you complain about the processes and tell those involved and the management (Hans-Dietrich Rzadtki) several times over the years that their actions are criminal and illegal, in vain.
At the same time, you as a citizen are coerced, harassed, discredited and discriminated against.
Those involved continue to lie.
Ultimately, you send part of the documents to the Attorney General's Office of Germany and ask them to remedy the situation and ask them to get the files.
This then happens:
In June 2023 they would like to send you a "decision" from November 2019.
Proof (see below): HH69
Welcome to the circus.
To be continued.