These are sloppy, illegal and highly criminal actions by those involved in the authorities and the judiciary, including the police, public prosecutor's office and courts in Hamburg.
In Germany it seems that instead of admitting and cleaning up the misdeeds within the own ranks, eliminating criminals and racists (under the guise of the state), throwing them out and ensuring law and order, innocent citizens are being persecuted.
In other words, those accused band together and look for and hunt down the citizen for their own frauds and criminal acts.
Yes, we are talking about Germany.
Concrete proofs:
At the Hamburg public prosecutor's office, among others: a Mr. Hitziger, who is described as the begging racist in his own ranks, in collaboration with a police officer, D. König (Police Station 25, Notkestr. 25, 22067 Hamburg) who, according to documents, e. g. does not appear to be in good health or could be a racist, are the perpetrators.
You will receive the following letter from the Hamburg public prosecutor’s office:
Proof (see below): HH70
(HH70): Those accused pretend a “conviction”.
You contact those accused immediately and ask them to distance themselves from such attempts at intimidation, coercion and discrimination and to put an end to their lies immediately.
Based on your request above, what do you expect in a real constitutional state?
As a citizen, you expect that the heinous actions of those accused (Public prosecuter's office) must stop immediately.
And what is happening here?
Those accused are still not ashamed and top it. You will receive the following letter from June 28th, 2018.
Proof: HH71
Those accused, who are demonstrably involved in heinous and highly criminal actions, threaten you with “coercive measures” if you "don’t pay".
So please pay within a week 11.370,93 euros and you will be charged an “additional fee of 5.00 euros” for the reminder too.
In fact, you can't rub your eyes in amazement often enough.
Terms such as “dictatorship” and “police state” are often used in Germany to describe such actions abroad.
Again, in response to this letter (HH71), you as a citizen contact those accused immediately, you clarify them again and ask them to urgently distance themselves from such crimes, attempts at intimidation, coercion and discrimination and also to stop their lies immediately.
Based on your request above, what do you expect in a real constitutional state?
As a citizen, you expect that the heinous actions of those accused (Public prosecuter's office) must stop immediately.
And what is happening here?
Heinous and highly criminal actions are taking place in the police and particular in the Hamburg public prosecutor's office. The files show that those accused continue to behave in an idiotic manner.
The main accused are the judicial officers Ms. Schmidt and Ms. Stüve (Hamburg Public Prosecutor's Office, Room 538) as well as a "public prosecutor" Mr. Nitsios (Hamburg Public Prosecutor's Office, Kaiser-Wilhelmstr. 100, 20355 Hamburg).
For another 3 months you as a citizen will be harassed, discredited and discriminated against. In addition, those accused send disgusting letters to each other, incite against you as a citizen and also ring like crazy everywhere and want to “arrest” you.
Those accused order “the execution of the substitute prison sentence".
Proof: HH72
Terms such as “dictatorship” and “police state” are often used in Germany to describe such actions and processes abroad.
Another detestable document for the gallery:
Proof: HH73
Those poor accused (Hamburg Public Prosecutor's Office) create an “enforcement booklet” to “arrest” you.
Terms such as “dictatorship” and “police state” are often used in Germany to describe such actions and processes abroad.
You as a citizen have evidence and documents of the highly criminal and heinous actions of those involved.
You have therefore become a danger to the defendants and their positions.
The particularly “talented” Mr. “Prosecutor” Nitsios and Mr. “Prosecutor” Hitziger & Co. have lost all control over themselves and are therefore working like a Trojan to essentially take you out of circulation. For them, any dirty means seems to be okay.
We are talking about those involved in a “public prosecutor’s office” in Germany.
You won't believe your eyes what you read next.
Proof: HH74
(HH74: You as a citizen should please go to prison within a week for almost three and a half months, otherwise you should pay the poor 10,000.00 euros. But please don't forget the procedure costs of 3.50 euros.
Not bad.
Mature performance, “public prosecutor’s office” Hamburg.
Terms such as “dictatorship” and “police state” are often used in Germany to describe such actions and processes abroad.
Those accused, the "public prosecutor" Mr. Nitsios and the "public prosecutor" Mr. Hitziger as well as the police officer Doris König (Police Inspectorate 25, Notkestr. 25, 22607), are now completley out of control. They seem to be able to get into any kind of mischief and act somehow stupid.
Because what you see now is simply unbelievable. This is happening behind you. You schould be "arrested". Yes, we are talking about Germany.
Proof: HH75
(HH75: As a citizen, you would "avoid enforcement".You should be arrested.)
This action by those involved is also demonstrably illegal, arbitrary and, yes, criminal.
Terms like “dictatorship” and “police state” are often used in Germany to describe such actions and processes abroad.
Who actually is a Mr. Jörn Weitzmann (Arnold-Heise-Str. 9, 20249 Hamburg) with connections to Rostock (Former GDR) and what happened to the criminal proceedings against Jörn Weitzmann?
A Mr. "Nitscke" is responsible at the district court of Hamburg and the criminality of those involved continues.
The documents reveal a number of other heinous and illegal actions by those accused, particularly behind your back.
In order to draw attention to such unbelievable grievances, arbitrariness and - probably unimaginable to an outsider - the most adverse conditions and actions of those involved against you, you have no choice but to establish public control.
You as citizens are therefore holding a vigil in front of the Bundestag (Hauses of Parliament of Germany) and the Federal Chancellery in Berlin.
In great need, you turn to the Federal Chancellery directly (Chancellor Mrs. Merkel), on July 11th, 2018.
Proof: B2
Read more under the B e r l i n section:
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