The state is responsible for ensuring law and order. What if state institutions fail entirely and try to cover up?
The deprivation of liberty during the 7-month vigil in front of the Federal Chancellery in Berlin was demonstrably based on untruthful information, fabricated and freely invented circumstances and suppression of truths,
A group of criminals and some racists from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Former GDR) were involved here too.
Those responsible, including the police and the public prosecutor's office in Berlin, are trying to cover up the incidents in front of the Federal Chancellery in Berlin. Access to decision-relevant documents is blocked, transparency prevented and clarification avoided. At the public prosecutor's office in Berlin, Mr. Sommer is responsible.
The right to inspect files has a constitutional basis. The law even strengthens the rights of the victims, as here in the case of deprivation of liberty.
It is about the criminal proceedings against the accused from their own ranks.
1. You would like to submit further documents, justifications and evidence to the public prosecutor. Documents and evidence relevant to the decision are available by the responsible police station.
You are dependent on these documents and proofs. The police station in Berlin confirms that there is a file with 53 pages. However, the police are trying by all means to prevent access to these documents and to cover up the incidents. This file includes all processes of the department that fall within the area of its responsibility.
There is also a lively exchange between the police station and the public prosecutor's office.
As the aforementioned police agency tries to delay the matter for months and tries to bypass transparency and investigation, it is being sued in court.
It concerns the above-mentioned pieces of evidence and documents at the above-mentioned police station, the submission of which to the public prosecutor's office, also for the purpose of your defence, is without any other alternative.
What's happening now?
1a. On October 9, 2019, the police immediately applied to the court for a waiting period, an extension of the period by 4 weeks.
Proof (see below): B12
1b. On October 15th, 2019, the submission date has also been pushed back by 4 weeks by the court.
Proof: B13
1c. The public prosecutor's office writes to you on October 16, 2019 and gives you a period of 2 weeks for your justification, which also depends on the above evidence and documents that are withheld from you by the police station. After 2 weeks, it would "immediately examine" the complaint.
Proof: B14
The wohl facts are described again to those responsible. It quickly turns out that there is no interest in order and the search for justice, but rather in covering up and circumventing the law by those responsible.
So this is how "investigations" take place here in the country when the culprits are from their own ranks.
2. How does the public prosecutor's office work?
You will only receive one copy of a notice where the content is incorrect. You apply to the public prosecutor's office to inspect the files. That makes it difficult at first. Then it tries to prevent it. Only after the supervisory authority gets involved seems anything to be moving at all.
2a. You ask the public prosecutor's office how many pages the file consists of?
Prosecutor's response: 42 pages
It also sends you these chaotic and completely irrelevant 42 pieces of paper as "files". It quickly turns out that you were neither granted the promised access to the file nor that the file was sent. Because decision-relevant content is missing and withheld from you.
2b. You also confront the prosecutor's office about it. The public prosecutor's office then remained silent for months. Later, it circumvents your requests with fabricated excuses.
The prosecutor lied to you. Because the research shows that the file not only consists of "42" but demonstrably more than 88 pages.
Apparently there are no limits to the prosecutor's fantasies. In fact, he wants to claim that he wrote another 46 pages of "emails" with you. It should be noted that his “Pages 1-42” also consist of pages from your own “e-mails”, some of which have been copied several times.
He continues: He "does not want" to grant you any access to the files or any further information from the files.
The parties involved are also lying and cheating in court. The court is also trying to cover up the trials and has been delaying the trial since 2019 to this day.
Why are those involved dependent on such actions?
Because the actions of those involved were and are demonstrably illegal, unconstitutional & criminal.
3. What happens next?
Unbelievable, but true:
3a. The police are given their staged 4-week deadline by the "court".
3b. While the police which hides the documents that you need, are given the 4-week deadline by the "court", the public prosecutor's office quickly decides on the charges against you in the meantime (2 weeks) and covers up the events.
3c. At the "court" too, those involved lie and cheat (details to follow) through one's teeth. The responsible "judge" is fully involved und cooperates with those accused.
That's not all.
4c. You as a citizen are supposed to bear the "costs" and attempts are being made to force you
to do so.
Responsible are a
Ms. Höpner (“Managing Director”)
a Ms. D. Henke
(Both from the Cost Center, Altstädter Ring 7, 13597 Berlin).
4d. Who actually is in this context a Mr.
Jörn Weitzmann,
Friedrichshof HP, Ferdinandstraße 29-33, in 20095 Hamburg?
5. The entire matter has now been submitted to the responsible supervisory authority, the Senate Department for Justice and Consumer Protection in Berlin, and requested for remedy.
A Ms.
Jana Standke
is responsible person at the Senats Department for Justice & Consumer Protection of Berlin.
6. While
Ms Höpner (“head”) and a Ms D. Henke
(both from the “Cost Collection Office”, Altstädter Ring 7, 13597)
are constantly inciting hatred against you as a citizen, the ladies are lying to Ms Jana Standke from the Senate by telling Ms Standke that they cannot deal with the matter because they “don’t” know what it is about.
At the same time, you as a citizen are being harassed, bullied and downright tormented by the same people.
Yes, we are talking about Germany and in Germany terms such as “dictatorship” and “police state” are often used for such actions and processes abroad.
To be continued.