In order to clarify the explosive nature of the matter, a chronology is also presented here under this category:
1. Thousands of confidential documents from strangers with sensitive and personal data, surname, first name, date of birth, home address, diagnoses, examinations and much more were demonstrably arbitrarily and unlawfully taken away and ended up in the hands of various strangers and unauthorized persons.
2. You contact the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection.
Proof (see below): B25
The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection is trying to avoid responsibility the escapades of those accused and to give them a wide berth.
3. You get legal advice that the documents that submitted to the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection, should immediately be submitted to parliamentary control which has the supervision. You do this immediately. You also submit documents to the parliamentary control that the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection is not fulfilling his official duties and you point to his worst misconduct. You also enclose documents.
Proof: B26
A Ms. Julia Mählich is the responsible person in the parliament of Germany. It gets even more embarrassing. Ms. Julia Mähnlich continues to make lame excuses by saying that the document you attached is barely "readable". In order to invalidate this lame excuse too, you send it again clearly and legibly to Ms. Julia Mähnlich (B26).
Suddenly it's quiet around those involved.
4. The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection verifiably has got all the documents (incl. B25 & B26). This is what the responsible person, Ms. Karolina Margiela from the "German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection", writes to you:
Proof: B27
(B27: "I cannot derive any data protection concerns in the form in which it was sent to me.")
Is that the symbol of the cover-up machinery in Germany?
5. Then a Ms. Giesecke from the German Parliament (Bundestag) writes to you. She consciously avoids the core issue (data protection). Since a kind of incompetence is also noticeable on the part of Ms. Giesecke, you ask those responsible from the German Parliament (Bundestag) to refer the matter to Ms. Giesecke's superior, whose name will not be given to you.
It is calm again among those involved. You remind those responsible at the German parliament(Bundestag) again.
Proof: B28
How credible and constitutional is Germany?
How important are your fundamental rights and the misuse of the data of thousands of data subjects?
Who cares?
Should we send every single person affected directly to the German parliament (Bundestag)?
To be continued.