With false and fictitious conditions as well as the suppression of true facts is threatened, coerced and harassed. It is also acted arbitrarily and without any legitimacy.
Proof (see below): HH8
Any complaint is disregarded. In April 2021, the court will inevitably be involved in an urgent procedure and temporary legal protection will be applied for.
While appeals and applications are not processed and the urgency procedure is delayed, coercion, harassment and extortion occur almost daily for months. Reminders and complaints to the court management remain inconclusive.
What is this about? Is it about the rule of law or the law of the strongers?
A judge named Brämer is responsible at the local court. The citizen is exposed to unimaginable conditions, harassment and threats almost every day for months. The actions of those involved are demonstrably illegal. Those involved are convicted again.
This is Mrs Brämer's letter about it:
For 7 months, the urgent application was "accidentally" not submitted to her. She noticed pleadings from April and May 2021 (it should be noted it that this the matter of urgent procedures!) on the 21st of Oktober 2021, as part of the "deadline control" (note: there are no “deadlines”). Her tone is also suddenly different now.
Proof: HH9
On October 23rd, 2021, the responsible director is contacted and asked for clarification. Because the statements provided by Ms. Brämer are incorrect. It is also not an isolated case in a local court.