It has been proven that a “bankruptcy petition” is filed on the basis of untrue and fabricated facts while at the same time suppressing true facts.
You are entitled to compensation.
You hold those accused responsible and hold them accountable.
Firstly, your claim for damages has “disappeared” by those involved. You turn to the supervisory person. The statement of claim then appears. It will then be forwarded to the Hamburg District Court.
At the district court of Hamburg is a
Ms. Gissa-Dib
The point is that those accused have demonstrably initiated a completely illegal and abusive “bankruptcy application” against you.
As a citizen, you also explained everything and provided relevant evidence.
Even in the socially weakest districts of a big city, there are probably not as many lies and crimes as here in a district court.
Proof (see below): HH88
Ms. Gissa-Dib (Hamburg District Court) writes to you:
1. No statement was received from those accused (defendant).
2. She does not want to request bankruptcy documents (evidence).
3. She doesn't want to call the witness (evidence).
4. The fact that those accused consciously and deliberately keep quiet about their crimes and serious offenses and try to evade explanation and testimony ignores the good lady
Gissa-Dib (Local Court of Hamburg),
also consciously and intentionally.
5. More than 3 years have passed, the authorities' testimony is still missing and the defendants are still trying to cover up their escapades and illegal actions.
Even after the court decision of January 2nd, 2024, the authorities' testimony of the defendants is still missing.
And what does the court do?
Anyone who has the illusionary idea that the "courts" in Germany are "independent" and not criminal will be proven wrong here.
Yes, we are talking about Germany.
As a citizen, you are apparently completely without dignity and without any rights.
A. More than 4 years have passed and despite several indications from the court, the defendant has still not responded.
B. You have explained all the circumstances in detail to the court on more than 25 pages and also presented the court with the relevant evidence.
C. You have requested that the “insolvency file” be attached as additional evidence.
D. You have named witnesses.
What else do you have to do in Germany to exercise your rights?
To be continued.