An example:
As a citizen, you are unemployed and receive Hartz IV (welfare). In your postbox you will find a crazy letter from those involved in the authority (Oberalster tax office).
The “smart” people demand that you pay approx. 29,000.00 euros in “tax” for this period (Hartz IV) within 7 days.
Yes, unbelievable, but unfortunately demonstrably true.
In case of non-payment of the above sum within a week, the "clever” minds even threaten to arrest you.
Yes, we are talking about Germany.
You as citizens are in great danger (even today) and simply demand transparency.
As a reminder:
The Cum-Ex affair is the largest global economic scandal in the world.
And where did it start and where is the root of all evil?
At the Hamburg tax authority.
The official of the Hamburg tax authority is now being investigated for criminal acts and other offenses.
Have the worst events come to an end?
Not at all, please judge for yourself:
A particularly "smart" and "talented" person, a certain
Ms. Erdmann,
works at the "Oberalster tax office" (Nordkanalstrasse 22, 20097 Hamburg).
Ms. Erdmann is being held legally responsible for her disgusting actions.
In court, the "smart"
Ms. Erdmann
first twists and wrirggels like an eel.
Then she plays: "I don't know anything about anything".
Only as the investigative authorities are involved can the "smart" lady suddenly "remind" of her misdeeds.
So, and now listen please:
The "highly talented"
Ms. Erdmann
wants to collect EUR 211,013.81 (two hundred thousand...) in "taxes" from you, during the time in which the same people, Ms Erdmann and others, filed a demonstrably illegal, malicious and criminal "application for insolvency" and you were not even working.
To be continued.