If the state fails VI

In cooperation with the police, during your 7-month vigil in front of the Federal Chancellery in Berlin, you will be "arrested" and deprived of your freedom on the basis of untruthful and fictitious circumstances and suppressing true facts.

The Federal Chancellery initially tried to excuse itself by saying that it knew "nothing" about your 7-month vigil. Exposing this untruth was not easy, because the Federal Chancellery used all means to prevent transparency and clarification. First of all, here is an indisputable confession from the Federal Chancellery to this topic.

Proof (see below): B3

A Ms. Amelang and others (Federal Chancellery) say that they have found out about the vigil in front of the Federal Chancellery after 6 months, in December 2018. This is demonstrably a lie too.

The Federal Police stationed in the Federal Chancellery is responsible for security. Almost every week, your personal details are checked directly in front of the Federal Chancellery in Berlin and your data is recorded. You must temporarily surrender your identity card. The federal police officers take your ID with them. So the processes.

As various discrepancies arise, you contact those responsible in December 2019 and demand transparency. The federal police responsible for security actually want to claim that they "don't know" who stood in front of the Federal Chancellery for seven months.

An internationally interesting security concept.

It cannot be overlooked that attempts are being made by those involved to cover up the incidents. Your December 2019 request will be postponed. Five months later and only after public participation, on April 16, 2020, repeated correspondence promised to investigate the facts presented. Those responsible hope to be able to reply by the end of April.

At the end of April 2020 nothing happens again. It is silent. Requests are bypassed. On August 19, 2020, publicly pointed out that the federal police had been delaying the matter for months and that inquiries had been bypassed. Only then you get a letter from the federal police. The request is “in the final vote”.

A letter will then be sent to you, the content of which and the information given there are simply not correct too. You will also get different information each time. Clear facts and facts are deliberately avoided. You finally ask the employee to give you access to the file. That is the answer:

Proof: B15

(B15: They write: The file “essentially” consists of your letters and their letters with the Federal Chancellery. For clarification you should call eg.)

Access to the documents and evidence is prevented.

Transparency and control are further avoided.


Everything, including that of the other sections in this blog, is demonstrably connected.

The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Communityfor in Berlin is responsible for the supervision of the Federal Police. Because your further repeated efforts with the federal police are also unsuccessful, the Federal Mministry is asked to remedy the situation on September 7th, 2022, so far without success.

If those involved have nothing to hide, why they do not put the cards on the table?

It should be noted that while attempts are being made to cover up the escapades of those involved from their own ranks, you as a citizen are also being harassed and bullied.

"Rule of Law" or the Law of the Strongest?

An example:

Proof: HH17

(HH17: The police were sent to your door again. You ask who was there and why?)

Yes, the state continues to make a hideous figure.